eresskillzl 路 2023 - currentActive馃崓 Complete journey rewriting the original chrlwv source to discord.js@v14.12.1!
b1gcheatsskillzl & lptw 路 2019 - currentActiveCommunity with a free range of resources and designs for popular games and more.
skillzl.devskillzl 路 2021 - currentActiveCurrent website you are seeing; personal portfolio made using next.js.
watcherskillzl 路 2024 - currentActiveFree adless streaming website. Using themoviesdb api and vidsrc api to stream online.
image-apiskillzl 路 2022 - currentActiveA simple express server written to generate random pictures by using types.
music-clientskillzl 路 2023 - currentActiveDiscord application that plays music, using discord-player module with play-dl.
landing-pageskillzl 路 2022 OverNew modern style, perfect for a first landing page for new users and their new projects.
discord-economyskillzl 路 2020 OverOpen source Discord bot project based on economy features using quickdb as database.
golang-discord-botskillzl 路 2022 OverPersonal discordgo application base for learning basic go structures.
chrlwvskillzl 路 2018 Overchrlwv is a feature-rich Discord application built in JavaScript for public usage whitch reflects a new and improved UI.